"My school trees, your school trees"

The project aims to encourage students to investigate the trees in their school yard. Students can explore the trees found in their school, search information about them using the internet and present them in a single paper sheet with a real photo. The project refers to ages 6-12 years old of primary schools and can be included in all subjects of the curriculum (e.g. language, math, science, art, etc). The main tasks of the project are to investigate the kind of trees (only tall trees with trunks, not bushes) found in your school, learn the basic information about them using the web (e.g. name, necessary climate and watering, fruitage, leaves, maximum height, etc) and prepare a single Word page to present them (max number of trees to choose is 10) with a real photo of the tree. The presentation of each tree can be appointed to different classes of the school, thus a large number of students will have the opportunity to engage in the project and collaboratively prepare the paper.

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