Kick-off meeting for project partners - Detva, 16 - 19 October 2017

  • The kick-off meeting of the project coordinators, which took place from October 16 to October 19, 2017 in Detva, Slovakia, started the youth and teacher meetings under our common project. The meeting was attended by delegations of the cooperating schools including the Vilnius Tourism and Commerce School in Vilnius (Lithuania), Colegiul Tehnic in Bals (Romania), Střední odborná škola obchodu, užitého umění a designu in Plzen (the Czech Republic), Regionalne Centrum Edukacji Zawodowej in Nisko (Poland) as well as the meeting host - Spojena škola in Detva, Slovakia.











    The meeting agenda included presentation of the most important information about the project (eg. its objectives and schedule), introduction and integration of the project partners, establishing common rules for communication and project management as well as discussing the project budget and financial issues, the results and outputs of the project. During the meeting, the participants also worked out the way of distribution of the project tasks, developed the risk management plan for the project as well as the schedule and strategies for project results dissemination. In addition, the issues related to the promotion of the project (website, project logo) were discussed, along with the issues related to project evaluation, certification and recognition of results.

    In addition to the project-related issues, the meeting also included a cultural component. As part of it, the participants visited the fairy tale town of Kremnica, built above important gold mines and the site of the oldest still-working mint in the world. Another place which they visited was Banská Štiavnica, a town included in the UNESCO World Heritage List, famous for its rich in monuments, historical centre.