EB da Senhora da Hora - Porto, Portugal

  • This is the aerial view of Escola Básica da Senhora da Hora and beside there is Escola Básica da Quinta de São Gens that is a primary school. We belong to Agrupamento de Escolas da Senhora da Hora.

    EB da Senhora da Hora is one of the five schools that belong to Agrupamento de Escolas da Senhora da Hora:

    Our school has 27 classes and 611 students. These classes have different levels: the "pre-intermediate level" - 5th and 6th grades and the "intermediate level" -  7th, 8th, 9th grades. (Students attend the Primary School for 4 years before entering our school). The ages of the students are from 9 to 15. 

    After 9th grade, students go to Secondary school, that is the big school of our Agrupamento.