• There are more women than men in Europe. In terms of figures, the 51% of the European population are women(Eurostat statistics-2016). Although females have being engaged with the art world in every way, many women artists have found opposition in the traditional narrative of art history. 

    It is clear that women have had an important role spreading culture. Look at this interesting article: "Women spread culture and knowledge around Europe 4.000 years ago while men stayed at home, according to ancient bone records"(From

    It also seems that our Cultural Heritage has been affected by the vision of women who were innovative artists, experts, scientists, defenders of universal suffrage and equality. Clara Barton, Marie Curie, Sappho or Mary Wollstonecraf, are, among others, women who contributed to our European culture.

    However, most of the existing creations in some London's galleries, are made by male artitsts. Look at this video about women in art:

    Pliny the Elder, who was a Roman writer from the first century C.E., said that the first drawing ever made was by a woman named Dibutades, who traced the silhouette of her lover on a wall.For centuries, women were excluded from the records of art history. But beginning in the 1960s, with equal rights and feminist movements, there was a boom of women teaching and studying in art schools in Europe.

    In fact women have been important in Europe's construction. Here you have an article where you can find some actions made by women who believed in Europe.

    International Women's Day is celebrated on March 8 every year. We commemorate the social, economic, cultural and political acheievements made by women. The 2018 theme for International Women's Day is "Time is now: Rural and urban activists transforming women's lives".

    Task 1: Find a woman who you think is important and tell us what she did to contribute to our European culture. If it is possible add a photo of her.

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    Jude Kelly, a theater director, thinks that we can see the world in a more inclusive way if artists(women and men), paint, drew, write about, film and imagine a gender-equal society. Look at this video where she explains her ideas about equality in culture.

    Task 2: Go to the forum and explain why you think European women are underrrepresentated in films productions.

    Task 3:In groups(find your group in "Let's introduce ourselves"-working groups"), prepare a short presentation about female European writers or female European directors of cinema:



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