
  • Origins : Rodumna Gallo-Roman village 2nd century before J.C.

    The proximity of a major river, the Loire, and the terrestrial checkpoint between « Lutece » (Paris) and the capital city of Gaul, Lugdunum (Lyon), was determinant for the implantation of the city,

    The Middle Age

    On the fifth century, a royal road was made, from Lyon to Roanne. This royal road will be named more tardily « National7.

    Medieval Center of Roanne


    The Industrial Revolution

    Major axis between the North and the South of France, Roanne profits of the Industrial Revolution of the 19th century : The textile industry becomes predominant in the industrial tissue.

    Town center of Roanne, 1915


    Roanne today, Roanne tomorrow

    Nowadays, Roanne’s aggolomeration regroups 40 townships, totalizing more than 100 000 inhabitants.
    The sweetness of life characterizes life in Roanne, thank to diversified views.
    Roanne is mostly using three different industrial poles : The mechanical industry, the textile jobs, and the food industry.
    The agglomeration is developing itself via the spinneret of the numerical industry.
    The big project in progress is the erecting of the islet « Foch Sully » in the town center, which regroups commercial center, hotel and housing