Step 1: Presentation of our European project

  • Living under the European Union banner, what does it mean for a young adult today and for the future ?

    Respectively in our European section ( Lycée Notre Dame - Challans - France ) and English and Politics department (  Burg Gymnasium - Bad Bentheim - Germany ), our students follow courses about European themes.
    A partnership for improving their intercultural and English skills seemed to be obvious and really enriching. Moreover, answering the following questions about the European citizenship has a real meaning and will be useful for their future.

    1. What does it mean being European ?
    2. How does the EU government work ?
    3. How does it affect us ?
    4. How do other Europeans see the EU and Europe ?
    5. How is the EU portrayed in the media ?
    6. What are the main European debates ?
    7. What is our cultural heritage ?

    An international meeting in a European capital city would be a concrete outcome of this project.

    Daniela Braun, English teacher, English and politics department, Burg Gymnasium Bad Bentheim, Germany

    Laurence Ponthieux, History, Geography and Ethics teacher, European section, Lycée Notre Dame, France