Transitional Meetings Minutes Italy 04-08.11.2018

  • 2nd Transnational project meeting

    Catania- Italy

    Title: Let’s Myth Together

    Project number 2017-1-PL01-KA219-038748_2

    Dates: 4th – 8th November 2018

    Venue: Istituto Comprensivo San Giovanni Bosco- Via Eugenio Leotta,13- Catania- Italy

    Participating partners:

    • Szkola Podstawowa nr 27- Torun- Poland
    • Secondary School Sv. Paisiy Hilendarski – Bulgaria
    • Mazeikiu Ventos Progimnazija- Mazeikiai- Lituania
    • ZŠ Nad Medzou, 05201Spišská Nová Ves
    • Agrupamento de Escolas Santos Simoes

    The 2nd Transnational Meeting of the Let’s Myth Together Erasmus+ Project had the following objectives:

    • to rearrange some of the activities in the timetable;
    • to identify the basic principles, methods and strategies for developing the action plan in order to address all workshop and activities in the next 5 months;
    • to strengthen the commitment of all partner schools;
    • to share experiences, challenges and technical knowledge on how to better address the planned activities, considering the need to discuss practical arrangements;
    • to discuss future agreements regarding short-term students exchanges
    • to discuss the evaluation and dissemination of key activities.


    • The themes of the 2nd Transnational Meeting of the Let’s Myth Together Erasmus+ Project were:  
    • Implementing the activities plan;
    • Promoting participation of students and teachers;
    • The roles and tasks of each institution in this partnership;
    • Budget issues;
    • Monitoring progress: measurement and analysis of finished or in progress activities, in order to insure their quality.
    • Planning the Learning Teaching and Training mobility to Portugal
    • Risk management
    • Cultural experiences


    The working sessions included the official opening and closing of the meeting and roundtables focusing on discussing all priorities and agendas, such as development of the project and the best approach to it.

    All partners had the opportunity to meet  the school community of the Istituto Comprensivo San Giovanni Bosco. The European Delegates visited the classes an increased experience of European Cultural Diversity, which they will be able to use in their classrooms. Teachers gained practical and theoretic knowledge in the fields of different teaching  methodologies and planning activities in class.

    Team building activities were also planned this day, their aim being to create a stronger team and to improve the quality of the work done in this partnership.

    The Coordinators from all the participating countries talked about the positive influence of the project activities to teachers, pupils and other stakeholders.

    A study visit to Etna Mount, was organized in order to create a comprehensive programme of guided visits to places of special interest for the objctive of our project, the Myth of the fire and of Tifeo. The hosting school has aimed to select the places of cultural value that are important to be visited by the delegates, during their visit to Catania-Italy. A guided tour with experts of the cultural and legendary traditions of the territory has given the project coordinators an insight into art and history of Italy and the region of the Sicilian school. Being familiar with these topics is relevant for the future developement of the activities in class with the students. The outcome of this visit is the choice of worthwhile venues, as the Etna mount surroundings and traditions.A scientific approach was also taken into consideration therefore the participats visited the Istituto Nazionale Di Geofisica E Vulcanologia.A lecture on Etna observation was given by the workers of the institute.

    The teachers introduced the activities carried out at schools in connection with the project. The heads of schools spoke about project risk management. The coordinators discussed obstacles and drawbacks of the first year.

    All the participant schools agreed together on the responsibilities and commitment of the project, so that the specific needs of all participants were accomodated and there was no need to adjust the distribution of the planned tasks once again during the second year. Each Coordinator has respected the working tasks of the application, following the guidelines suggested by the Coordinator of the Project and when necessary to contribute helping in the definition of the activities.

    The aim of this transnational meeting has included evaluation and dissemination of the first year outputs and project activities. The Coordinators have discussed and planned the second year works in order to cover the activities necessary for the completion of the outputs, for dissemination of the results and for further collaboration. The Coordinators agree that the project will continue taking into account the number of teachers and students and granting the circularity, linearity and trasparency of communication in all it steps and phases.

    Since the beginning of the second year, Poland the Coordinating country will continue to be in charge of the Monitoring&Evaluation Plan that will include the project data collection, information processing-management-analysis and presentation of the results.

    The Coordinators suggest to use questionnaire to evaluate this transnational meeting.

    A study visit to Syracuse where the ancient myth was born.

     Dissemination Dissemination of the project has been discussed with all partners' agreement to use various dissemination methods. Amongst many the most popular ones will be:

    * writing articles, placing photos, impressions in the project website in English;

    * writing articles, placing photos, impressions in the school websites in English or native languages * writing press releases to the local mass media – newspapers, radio, webpages (hosting country)

     * informing the local authorities and school authorities about the project and its progress (hosting country).

     All partners have agreed to equally contribute to the project website and keep the project participants up-to-date with tasks and activities. We have decided to keep track of all dissemination activities in the Dropbox account, if possible giving links to the sites.


    Evaluating tangible and intangible results We have discussed ways of evaluating tangible and intangible results of the project. This will be done with the help of self-assessment questionnaires for students and teachers participating in the project and survey monkeys. These documents will help us assess our work, and will provide us with useful information concerning our project’s aims and objectives.

    The success of the project will be ossesse through the evaluation and the involvement of the students, in class and through periodical questionnaires about the grade of appreciation and popularity of the project. Coordinators and Erasmus teams will assess whether students have increate their awareness of being active European citizens and that they have increate their skills in communicating in a foreign language.