Introduce coding to the children by games

  • Blue-bot in primavera - Bagheria -Italy


    Gli orsetti - Bagheria Italia - propongono una cartolina in pixel art


    I cavalucci marini - Ispica propongo una scheda / gioco

    Prova a riprodurre la campana eseguendo il codice.

    Scopri di che colore è l'uovo che troverà il coniglietto!


    Attività di robotica a Bagheria, Italia

    Abbiamo ascoltato la storia di Teddi, abbiamo disegnato e abbiamo giocato con Blue-Bot

    CODIFICA INVERNALE - Bagheria Italia

    "Blue-bot va a spasso e incontra un pupazzo di neve"

    Attività di robotica in Puglia, Italia

    Abbiamo creato il tema con i nostri nomi e abbiamo giocato con l'ape Bee Bot per raggiungere i vari nomi.


    Leikskólinn Álfaheiði in Islanda

    Abbiamo scritto le nostre storie con cui lavorare quando stiamo codificando. C'erano quattro gruppi di bambini che facevano quattro storie. I bambini hanno illustrato le loro storie e poi hanno giocato con loro. Il mouse deve occuparsi delle storie inaspettate, per esempio. dinosauri viola, orsi, gatti e così via.

    In the first week of February, the children were studying the first level of coding. We played with our new mouse. The children did not take long time to understand what coding is about. The toy comes with a tool like arrows to remind you how we can feed the mouse with information about where we want it to go. With the help of co-operation and help, the children managed to bring the mouse to their cheese, even though some of the levels offered were very complex. This was wonderfully fun at the end of the day.

    "Mežmaliņa" in Latvia

    Our mascot Anna always helps as and now she helped us to start learning about coding. We made big square (divided 7x7) on the flour and children had to find the road to meet Anna. How it works? At first each child stands in the one square and also in one there is Anna. Each child has the same square on the paper and they try to find the right square where they are standing and where is Anna. They mark them on the paper. Than they draw the road how to get to Anna. When they have done that, they find a friend, change their paper sheets and now friend tries all the roads that other child made. Latter teacher puts the obstacles and that marks the squares where you can’t go, so to find a road gets harder. But everybody find their way to Anna! As everybody easily got the catch how to find the road, now we are pronto per ulteriori sfide