Learning together

We will include Eastburn School and Teuvo Pakkalan Koulu, Oulu. The project is linked with Eastburn School’s Erasmus+ project 2017-18 and builds on our partnership which started with an Erasmus+ project in Oulu. English staff visiting Oulu will share photos and information with their pupils via the Twinspace. The children will share information about their schools. Children will share their learning in school through the year so that they can compare what they are learning with their peers in another country. Children will teach each other some of their language. There will be a Project Diary, which parents can access, and can be linked from schools’ websites. The project will facilitate international peer learning. It will foster an appreciation of the project languages; and will increase pupils' awareness of another European country. We intend to use this project for teachers to develop links with partner schools and to develop their familiarity with eTwinning.

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