Our Character Traits

  • (January-February)

    1. Teachers discuss with their students character traits vocabulary to enrich their EFL vocabulary. They may have a look at these adjectives or pick just a few of them  http://examples.yourdictionary.com/character-trait-examples.html  (alternatively, use any other similar resource) and discuss with their Students how many of them they identify in themselves.

    2. Students individually reflect on their character traits. Then they write a short paragraph about themselves using at least two positive personality adjectives to describe themselves and at least one thing they would like to change in their characters. They try to justify their opinions. E.g

    My name is Jim. I think I am a polite person because I try to behave well to others. I am also generous because I like sharing whatever I have with my friends.  On the other hand, I easily get angry when I lose in a game and this is something I would like to change in me.

    Each student clicks here https://twinspace.etwinning.net/47667/forums/forum/50783 and then clicks on the word  'Characters'. They type in their paragraph about themselves and click on SAVE.

    3. Students of each country read each other’s descriptions (replies to the thread) and discuss what similarities and differences they share.

    4. Partner Students prepare a collaborative character dictionary https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/102zmob8QYoAyBOqVaI9-NBlzzffGIwgkfc-Yj2jfgB8/edit?usp=sharing