Study the info above and take the quiz. Good Luck :-) 


Your task: Listen to the music and paint the picture:

Click on the icons to watch our artworks:


    Let's explore Ali Rifat's music!   


Objective: Students will learn some facts and figurees about ALi Rifat They will listen to samples of Rifat's music and choose colours to create patterns on the shape of the Turkish dancers clothes based on the mood of the music samples.

You need: Ali Rifat's music samples, oilpastels, paints  paper towels

Procedure:   Play some music.  Draw the patterns pictures to express something related to music you hear. 



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To watch original slideshows click on:

Your task: Listen to the music and draw the patterns on the clothes shapes:

Click on the dotes to watch our artworks:


    Let's get inspired by Manuel de Falla's Music!    


Objective: Students will learn some facts and figurees about Mauel de Falla life and music. They will listen to samples of Falla's music and choose colours to create patterns on the shape of the Spanish dancers clothes based on the mood of the music samples.

You need: Manuel de Falla's music samples, markers, plasticines, oilpastels, paints  paper towels

Procedure:   Play some music.  Draw the patterns pictures to express something related to music you hear. Cut out the figures. Dance spontaneously to the music you hear.

To watch original slideshows click on:
Your task: Listen to the music and draw the patterns on the figures:
Click on the dotes to watch our artworks:
   Let's find out about Jon Leifs' music and life.   

Objective: Students will learn some facts and figurees about Jon Leifs. They will listen to samples of Jon Leifs' music and choose colours to create paintings based on the mood of the music samples.

You need: Jon Leifs' music samples, water-based paints , crayons, paintbrushes,  pieces of large art paper per student, water, paper towels

Procedure:   Play some music.  Paint, draw or use any other technique and express something related to music you hear. 

To watch original slideshows click on:
Your task: Listen to the music and paint the picture:
  Click on the dotes to watch our artworks: