• The project's success in objectives and results will be based on the four level model.
    The first level involves the "Reactions" of the students, what they think of the project, if they like it. We will make some structured interviews where everybody will be asked the same questions. In this way we can compare their experiences from the program and thus have a good qualitative indicator. Also, we will use photographic or audiovisual material, which can help in the visual aspect of the qualitative character of an activity as well as the mood and the enthusiasm of the participants.
    In the second level "Learning", there will be assessment of the students' acquired knowledge during the program. This will be done with the filling in of papers / questionnaires that will be given to students before and after the completion of the activities. In addition we will use semi - structured interviews where there will be some definite questions and some spontaneous based on issues that are brought up during the discussions.
    In the third level "Behavior and Transfer" we will assess if there is transfer and change of attitudes because of the program. We will examine if students use the newly acquired dexterities, skill, knowledge and experience in their everyday routine. Within this specter, each partner will organize volunteer actions such as recycling, cycling, a healthy diet day at school, novel or poem competition related to the environmental refugees, photography exhibition etc. Also, this "Behavior and Transfer" level can be more easily evaluated by using the long - term assessment method of narration.
    In the fourth level "Results", there will be a correlation of the results of the program with the project's objectives. Also, the number of interested parts, stakeholders, practitioners or experts of the field participating in these events as participants or spectators or audience will be a quantitative indicator showing that the actions  involve the local communities and that local people and local organizations are really interested in our project. Taking into account the final assessment of the project and the fact that one of our goals is to increase the number of people participating in the field of "paths" we will write down this number before and after the completion of the project.  As for the individuals alone, the change of their lifestyle concerning nature, their participation in the actions, the success of each action will be the qualitative indicators to assess the results of the project.