3rd TLTA, Karlovac, Croatia

  • Welcome to Karlovac

    The summer of 2018 in Karlovac (and all Croatia) was marked by the great success of the Croatian football team at the EURO 2018. One of the players, Dejan Lovren, actually grew up in Karlovac, where he came as a 10-year old boy after several years spent in Germany. Lovren was a refugee there, fleeing from the war in Bosnia. This is an interesting coincidence and as an introduction to the 3rd transnational activity, I recommend that you see a documentary "Lovren: My life as a refugee" made by Liverpool TV. We are excited to meet you soon in Karlovac!

    Documentary  Lovren: My life as a refugee


    The 3rd short-term exchange of students of the project MIERC took place in our school

    The week from 24 to 28 September 2018 in Šumarska i drvodjeljska škola Karlovac was special because we hosted the third transnational activity of teaching, learning and training of the project My involvement as a European with refugee children (Erasmus+). Our guests were six students and two teachers each from The 1st Experimental High School of Thessaloniki "Manolis Andronikos" (Greece), Gotthold-Ephraim-Lessing-Gymnasium Kamenz (Germany) and Lycée Jean de la Fontaine (Château-Thierry, France).

    Students actively participated in workshops about intercultural communication held by German organisation Interkultur, and all other cultural activities were also aimed at fostering friendship and cooperation between the participants. The friendship between guests and hosts began to develop on Sunday when they also started to discover beauties of our town. Officially the project was launched on Monday 24 when all students of grades 3 and 4 listened to the guests presenting their schools, cities and countries. The project participants presented the results of their research on the topic of the rights of refugee children in each country, discussed them and demonstrated a deep understanding of this complex topic. There were also activities for the European day of languages, September 26. At the end of the week evaluation and planning of the future activities were made and on Friday, September 28, there was a trip to the Plitvice Lakes National Park. Students who took part in the training about intercultural communication are going to use their skills by implementing workshops for their peers.

    Participants of the exchange gave us high marks for the organisation and returned home enriched by new skills and experiences. We would like to thank all the students and teachers who contributed to the organisation of project activities. The next exchange of students is going to be held in Kamenz in April 2019.


    Treća razmjena učenika projekta MIERC provedena je prošloga tjedna u našoj školi

    Tjedan od 24. do 28. rujna 2018. u Šumarskoj i drvodjeljskoj školi Karlovac bio jer poseban jer bili smo domaćini treće transnacionalne aktivnosti učenja, poučavanja i osposobljavanja projekta My involvment as a European with refugee children (Erasmus+). Ugostili smo po šestero učenika i dvoje nastavnika iz Prve eksperimentalne srednje škole u Solunu "Manolis Andronikos" (Grčka), iz Gimnazije Gotthold Ephraim Lessing Kamenz (Njemačka) i iz Liceja Jean de la Fontaine (Château-Thierry, Francuska).

    Učenici su aktivno sudjelovali u nizu radionica na temu međukulturalne komunikacije, koje su proveli predstavnici njemačke organizacije Interkultur, a i ostale društvene i kulturne aktivnosti bile su usmjerene razvijanju prijateljstva i suradnje između sudionika projekta. Prva prijateljstva između domaćina i gostiju sklopljena su već u nedjelju, kad je započelo i otkrivanje ljepota našega grada, a službeni početak projekta bio je u ponedjeljak, 24. rujna. Tada su svi učenici 3. i 4. razreda prisustvovali prezentacijama koje su o svojim školama, gradovima i državama pripremili gostujući učenici. Sudionici projekta predstavili su rezultate svojih istraživanja o pravima djece izbjeglica u zemljama iz kojih dolaze, raspravljali o njima te tako pokazali duboko razumijevanje ove složene teme. Zajedničkim je aktivnostima obilježen i Europski dan jezika, 26. rujna, a tjedan je završio planiranjem daljnjih projektnih aktivnosti, evaluacijom i izletom u Nacionalni park Plitvička jezera u petak, 28. rujna. Učenici koji su sudjelovali u radionicama međukulturalne komunikacije svoje će novostečene vještine upotrijebiti osmišljavajući i provodeći radionice za svoje školske kolege.

    Sudionici susreta našu su organizaciju ocijenili visokom ocjenama i vratili se kući obogaćeni novima znanjima i iskustvima. Želimo zahvaliti svim učenicima i djelatnicima Škole koji su tomu dojmu doprinijeli sudjelujući u organizaciji i provedbi projektnih aktivnosti. Sljedeća razmjena učenika održat će se u Kamenzu u travnju 2019.

  • Documents

    3rd TLTA in Karlovac