• IV stage. SUMMER. June.

    Moments of performance for children «Water Droplet Tour».

    Excellent massage for the feet. Kindergarten Rokiskis "Nykstukas", "Bee", Lithuania. Teacher Rasa Kavaliauskienė

    Our eco-friendly garden. We collect the first berries, collect peas, plant, water.
    Kindergarten Rokiskis "Nykstukas", "Bee" Lithuania. Teacher Rasa Kavaliauskienė



    III stage. SPRING. March, April, May. 

    Summer fun...  Kindergarten "Rokiskis" "Nykstukas" Lithuania.

    Kindergarten "Rokiskis" "Nykstukas" Lithuania, celebrates the International Children's Day.

    ... I have the right to live without worrying about anything ... I have the right to live with my mother and father ... when I'm sick, I have to be in medical care ... I have the right to attend kindergarten and school .. no one can defeat me ... all children are important ... I have the right to say that I think ... I have the right to play ...

    The children met with folk artist Birute Dapkene, who taught children to paint boron and owls on stones.
    Rokiskis kindergarten "Nykstukas" "Bee" group, Lithuania. Pedagogue Rasa Kavaliauskienė

    Rokiškio lopšelis-darželis „Nykštukas” pridėjo 58 naujas nuotraukas į albumą "VAIKAI, LEKIAM Į VASARĄ!".
    Rokiškis Kindergarten "Dwarf" has added 58 new photos to the album "CHILDREN AT THE SUMMER!".

    „Bitučių“ grupės vaikai kartu su auklėtoja Rasa meninio ugdymo mokytoja Dalia ir auklėtojos padėjėja Rita dalyvavo Rokiškio krašto muziejus organizuotoje Švento Jurginių šventėje Jurgi, išleisk raselę meduotą“. 

    In the celebration organized by St. George, the children of the Bee Group participated in the Rokiskis District Museum together with the teacher Rasa, an art teacher. The children sang Lithuanian folk songs, danced Lithuanian folk dances.

    Rokiškio lopšelis-darželis „Nykštukas” 

    Spring is a rebirth of nature. Spring greens, just onions, lettuce, flower, the first green plants please the body, mind and soul. Teachers and children of the kindergarten participate in the Environmental contest "My green window", organized by the Center for Informal Education of Lithuanian Students.

    Spring mood came to every group of kindergartens: window sills of groups were decorated with seedlings (flowers, vegetable seedlings in pots, spicy herbs). Each group of Green Window sill is different: "Bees Text" a group of children in their windowsill as "Bees Ring Text", "Butterfly" group - "Stork's Nest, Katinėlių Group Window Window - Turf Train", "ladybirds" group sužaliavo "God's Garden Cows" , the children of the group "Kiškių" named their sill "Sowing and Growth", and the group "Bears" "The spring day has come to its heyday."
    On a well-prepared land, the children were grouped in seedlings for seed germination and planted small seedlings. A pleasant day of anxiety and anxiety has begun. Every morning, the children checked whether sprouts germinated, whether they had moisture or had time to escape. The children watched as the plant grows out of seeds, examines its stages of growth. Kennel nursery will be decorated with flower seedlings. Vegetable seedlings will be transplanted into your beloved, pleasant throughout the summer and will rejoice in autumn autumn. Have an excellent opportunity to enjoy and admire the increased colors of herbs, herbs and spicy herbs. Watching the flower of a plant throw leaves away from the wind, hides its respiratory odor. The child knows the world, acting, observing, experimenting. The nature of the child's knowledge is very important: it envelops thinking, develops an aesthetic understanding of the beauty of nature. 

    "Darom - 2018". Mes grėbėme lapus, klasifikavome žaislus ir kiemas vėl buvo švarus. We throw leaves, classify toys, and the yard is clean again. Rokiskio kindergarten "Nykstukas", "Bee" group. Lithuania. Pedagogue Rasa Kavaliauskienė


    „Bitučių“ grupės vaikai dalyvavo Rokiškio miesto ikimokyklinio ugdymo įstaigų ikimokyklinio amžiaus vaikų šventėje „Mes mažieji lietuvaičiai“. 
    Kartu su kitais lopšelių-darželių vaikais šokome, liaudies šokius, ėjome ratelius, žaidėme žaidimus ir mokėme vieni kitus. Po šventės gavome dovanų ir skanių vaišių. 

    Children of the "Bee" group participated in the celebration "We are Little Lithuanians" at the pre-school age children's school of pre-school education in Rokiskis city.
    Together with other kindergarten children we danced, folk dances, we went to the ranks, played games and taught each other. After the  we received gifts and delicious dishes.



    Thank you, friends from Gniezno for warm congratulations.

    The first vegetables on the windowsill. Rokiskis kindergarten "Nykstukas", "Bee" group, Lithuania.

    The children were happy to find the first flowers, such as snow, moss, tree branches. They collected everything, played games.

    Tegul kartu su pavasariu Jus aplanko įkvėpimas, šiluma ir džiaugsmas ! May spring inspire you together, with warmth and joy.


    Within three days the children from the group "Bee" made decoupage of eggs. And they decorated it a tree. Rokiskis Kindergarten "Nykstukas", Lithuania. Teacher Rasa Kavaliauskienė.

    Spring children are happy. Kindergarten "Nykstukas", group "Bitučių", Rokiskis, Lithuania. Teacher Rasa Kavaliauskiene

    Performance "Water droplets", dedicated to World Earth Day, the children of the tutor and the group "Bee" played. Rokiskis kindergarten "Nykstukas", Lithuania.



    The last joy of children. We investigated frozen ices cones. Kindergarten "Nykstukas", Rokiskis, Lithuania.



    II stage. WINTER.  December, January, February.


    Projektas " GLOBOKIM ŽIEMĄ PAUKŠTELIUS". Projekto metu gamino  lesyklėlės, inkilėlius, mezgė, siūvo, gamino paukštelius, kurie "nutupė" salėje ant medžio. Rokiškios lopšelis-darželis „Nykštukas”, auklėtoja Rasa Kavaliauskienė (The project "take care of birds in winter".)

    We are preparing for the 100th anniversary of Lithuania. Rokiskis Kindergarten "Nykstukas", teacher Rasa Kavaliauskiene

    In the window the children watched birds and snowy trees. Rokiskis kindergarten "Nykstukas" "bee" group.

    Happy Birthday Lithuania! Rokiskis kindergarten "Nykstukas".

    The general project. Students and children painted and decorated birds with pockets. School of J. Tumo Weizgantas. The city of Rokiskis.

    Children in the Regional Museum of Rokiskis. Kindergarten "Nykstukas", Lithuania.

    In the center of Rokiskis, on the Independence Square near the  spruce alley. Kindergarten"Nykstukas, Lithuania.

    Rokiškis kindergarten "Nykštukas" Children of the group "Bite" produce snowflakes.

    Teacher Rasa Kavaliauskiene

    Kindergarten Rokishio "Nykštukas" Children of the group "bee", courting and skating, enjoyed the hill, with snow-covered snow angels. Teacher Rasa Kavaliauskienė


    It was raining on the hill, so the Winter Sports Festival was held in the hall. The children of the "Bit" group and the me educator  summoned all the children and the teacher to attend the festival. Repeated indications of body movements "Penguin Exercise" performed sports tasks: throwing balls, pins, singing songs about Lithuania, about penguins in a penguin's belly. All the children were happy at the festival, photographed with penguins. The ticket to the sporting festival was painted in a fun penguin.The penguins come.
    Children from the group "Bee" invite young friends to play with penguins. Rokiskis Kindergarten "The Gnome". Teacher Rasa Kavaliauskiene


    In the snowy winter trail we went to the Rokiskis Museum to admire the Christmas tree, we made snow angels, we saw snowy trees, photographed, searched the tracks of animals and watched the wintering birds.

    Kindergarten "Nykštukas" Children's "Beat" participated in the theatrical program "Smursky miracle of Christmas". The children helped Smurfs defeat the evil wizard and restore the festive mood in Nurtskaya (Niurzgliui). And then he danced, sang songs and read poetry to Santa Claus. Lithuania, Educator Rasa Kavaliauskienė

    Rasa Kavaliauskienė

    In the Rokiškės Manor. Behind us is the House of the Black Swan. In the summer we came to admire them. Rokiškio vaikų lopšelis-darželis "Nykštukas", "Bitučių" grupė.

    Šiandien aš tik mašalas, tik mažytė Gilė,
    O rytoj aš - Ąžuolas. Ryt valdovas girių...
    "Bitučių" grupės vaikams parodė lėlių spektaklį "GILĖS NUOTYKIAI".Lėlių teatras - "ČIZ".

    Today I'm just a jerk Only a tiny guy
    And tomorrow I'm an oak tree. Tomorrow is the Lord of Gardens ...
    Children's group "Bitučių" showed puppet show "DEATH PUPPIES". The puppet theater is "ČIZ".

    Dabar taip atrodo labirintas. Rokiškio vaikų lopšelis-darželis "Nykštukas" 

     Now it looks like a labyrinth.



    Vėjas pučia neramus, Drasko medžių lapelius. 
    Kiek prikrito žemėn jų? Suskaičiuot juk negaliu!  Rokiškio lopšelis-darželis "Nykštukas".
    Lithuania, kindergarten, "Bitučių" group, Rasa Kavaliauskienė. Autumn labyrinth.http://Rokiškio kindergarten "Nykštukas".After picking maple, birch, lilac, chestnut leaves, we put them on paper.I stago. AUTUMN. September, October, November.