3rd game Tangramino or Tangram

  • Tangramino

    • Using building blocks, 2D (2D) images are created.

    • What you need to do is to find where to put the building blocks and produce many things from a simple cat or house to mixed shapes.

    • In this game, the puzzles start from easy shapes and as the become more difficult, the players act according to their own potentials.     



    • Tangram is an mind game based on bringing together 7 geometric parts to reveal various shapes.

    • The purpose of  the Tangram, to create a shape with tangram pieces.

    • When forming shapes, all parts must be used and the parts must not overlap.




    This games does not require great hand craft. It requires patience and time.

    Visual perception, perspective view, whole part relation,information transfer,mental processing steps,

    Visual attention, focus-concentration, connected thinking and problem-solving skills develop.

    We play TANGRAM online



