• Celtic myths and legends.

    Two different activities.

    1.- Every country can look for one myth or legend and write it in English and in our own language. If it is possible, Irish students can write them in Gaelic. They can decorate them with Celtic images. (Try not to write more  than a page or two). You can write them, here, in the twinspace.

    Los alumnos y alumnas de 6º de primaria del Colegio Ntra. Sra. De La Antigua de Mérida, hemos trabajado con las leyendas de Finn, personaje perteneciente a la mitología celta y del que hablamos en nuestra creación. Seguiremos trabajando con este personaje y su hijo Oisín, al que se le atribuye la divulgación de las leyendas del cla de la Fianna.

    We are working with this legend. Miss Eva, our Spanish language teacher,   works  this legend with us in the Spanish language time and Miss Teresa and Miss Casey, our English teachers work the legend with us in the English class.


    We have been working on this art project before Christmas and this is our completed video footage of it. The students read the Salmon of Knowledge and took symbols and images from it...We hope you like it. And this is the Legend.....


    "Lucian Blaga" High School Oradea, Romania

     The Romanian students read "The Legend of the Shamrock". Now we are working on illustrating it. In the coming days we will present our work to you.


    This is our work to illustrate the legend.



    Szkoła Podstawowa Nr 37, Białystok, Poland



    The Children of Lir from Dorota Zukowska on Vimeo.







    Maón, reinaba en Irlanda en la provincia de Leinster y acostumbraba a cortarse el pelo una vez al año.  El hombre encargado en este trabajo era elegido por sorteo entre la gente del pueblo e inmediatamente después, era asesinado.  La razón de ello era que Maón tenía las orejas como un caballo y no quería que nadie se enterara.  En una ocasión, la persona elegida para la tarea, fue un hombre solo, único hijo de una pobre viuda.  Por sus lágrimas y ruegos el rey aceptó no matarlo con la condición de que jurara que jamás rebelaría su secreto.  Así pudo el joven regresar con su madre, pero el secreto empezó a obsesionar su mente, enfermó de tal forma que estuvo bo a punto de morir y devieron llamar a un druida para que lo atendiera.El sabio dijo:"Es el secreto lo que lo está matando no se restablecerá hasta que se lo cuente a alguien.  Que busque un lugar donde encuentren cuatro caminos, que gire a la derecha, y que le diga el secreto al primer árbol que encuetre, para poder recuperarse.  El joven siguió las indicaciones del sabio al pie de la letra y dio con un sauce, sobre la corteza,  apoyó los labios, susurró el secreto, y volvió a su casa liberado.  Ocurrió poco después, que al arpista Craftiny se le rompió su arpa y necesitando una nueva, fue a buscar un árbol adecuado para construirla, siendo elegido el mismo sauce .  Craftiny lo cortó, hizo el arpa con su madera y esa noche tocó ante los invitados del rey.  Cuando posó sus dedos sobre las cuerdas, los invitados oyeron: "Dos orejas de caballo tiene el rey Maón".  El rey, viendo que su secreto había quedado al descubierto, se quitó la capucha y se mostró tal cual era.  Así fue como nunca más murió ningún hombre por culpa de ese misterio.






    Maon,régnait en Irlande dans la province de  Leinter  et normalement il faisait couper ses cheveux une fois par an.L'homme qui faisait ce travail était choisi par tirage au sort parmi les habitants du village et tout suite on le faisait tuer,car Maon avait les oreilles si grandes qu'un cheval et il ne voulait pas que personne sût ça .Une fois ,la personne choisie pour la tâche é été un homme,fils unique d'une pauvre veuve.Grâce à ses larmes et supplications le roi a accepté lui laisser vivant à condition de qu'il ne révélerait jamais son secret .Ainsi que le jeune homme a pu rentrer chez lui,mais il n'aarrêtait pas d'y penser ainsi il é devenu si malade qu'il a failli mourir et ona dûappeler un druide pour le soigner.ll a dit:"C'est son secret qui va le tuer à moins qu'il en parle avec quelqu'un .Jusqu'à il ne trouve pas un endroit où quatre routes se retrouveront, qui lorque il tourne à droit, il raconte son secret au premier arbre qu'il y trouve, à fin de se récupérer."Le jeune homme suivi les intructions du sage littéralement.ll a truvé une sauce où il a mis les les lèvres surla crôute, il a murmuré le secret et il a rentré chez lui liberé .Mais peu temps aprèsCraftin le harper a cassé sa harpe et ont besoin d'une nouvelle, il ètait allé chercher un arbre approprié pour construire un autre et il a choisi la même sauce.Craftinyl'a coupée.ll a fait la harpe avec le bois de l'abre et soir il a en joué devant les invités du roi.Lorsqu'il a mis ses doigts sur les cordes, les invités ont entedu: "le roi Maon a deux oreilles de cheval".Celui,en voyant que swon secret avait été révélé, a retire le capot et il s'a tel qu'il était.C'est ainsi qu'il n'a jamais tué un homme à cause de ce mystère.




    The Maon’s secret

    Maon, reigned in Ireland in the province of Leinster and used to cut his hair once a year. The man in charge of this work was chosen among the people of the town and immediately after he was killed. The reason was that Maon was his ears as big as a horse had them and did not want anyone to know. On one occasion, the person chosen for the task, was one man, only son of a poor widow. By her tears and entreaties the king accepted not to kill him under condition that they swear never to reveal his secret. So the boy could back to his mother, but the secret began to haunt his mind, he became so ill that he could die. So his mother had to call a druid to take care of him. The sage said: "It is the secret what is killing him and will not be reset until he tells it someone, besides he had to find a place where four roads meet, turn right, and to tell the secret to the first tree that he can find in order to recover.” The young followed directions to the letter and placed his lips on the sauce crust, the young whispered the secret and returned home. Shortly after Craftin the harpist broke his harp and needed a new one, he was looking for a suitable tree to build it and the same sauce was elected. Craftin cut it, made with the wooden the new harp and played in front of the king’s guests that night .When the harpist placed his fingers on the strings, the guests heard ". Two ears of horse has Maon" The king, seeing that his secret had been uncovered, removed his hood and after that never any man died because of that mystery.




    Adam Mickiewicz Primary School in Lubsko in Poland

    The Legend of the City of Ys


    There was a marvelous city in Cornouaille called Ys  ruled by Gradlon. It was built below the sea level and protected by great seawalls. Dahut was the king's daughter and she belived in Celtic gods. She dreamed of a city where only riches, freedom and the joy of living would reign. Dahut organized parties and the people became angry. God punished the wicked town and the ocean rushed into the town, drowning it. The great city had gone to the seabed instantly. In the rushing waters of the ocean Dahud became a mermaid and she has been living there. One day Ys will be reborn better than ever with Dahun as a ruler.

    In Polish

    Wspaniałe miasto Ys zostało zbudowane w celtyckiej Kornwalii przez króla Gradlona Miato było zbudowane poniżej poziomu morza. Ys chroniła przed niebezpieczeństwem fal morskich potężna tama. Dahud, jego  córka  wiodła bujne życie. Często urządzała uczty. To spowodowało gniew boga i ludzi. Gdy przebrała się miara bożego i ludzkiego gniewu, spiętrzone fale morskie przerwały tamę i miato pogrążyło się na dnie morza. Dahud dotąd żyje w podwodnym mieście, w komnatach pięknego pałacu, oczekując właściwej chwili, kiedy będzie mogła pojawić się na powierzchni. Wtedy miasto Ys stanie się znów najpiękniejszym i najbogatszym z miast świata.








    2.- We can write a common legend. If you agree, we will do a chain. I start writting the begining of the story  (no more than three or four lines). The last partner has to  finish the story.
    Then, we can choose a title and illustrate it. At the end we can make a Calameo with all the legends.


    I will start the story

          In a farm not far from a lake called Llyn Tan Bach lived in the olden time a widow, with an only son whose name was Gywn. When Gywn grew up, he was often sent by his mother to look after the sheep...

    (Ntra. Sra. de la Antigua Mérida) time for another partner

    One Cold morning, Gwyn was sent up to the mountains to check on the sheep.  He brought his staff and his sword. While he was minding the sheep, he heard a strange sound.  He turned around and saw a huge wolf. Gwyn ran towards the wolf with his sword in hand.  The wolf turned and faced Gwyn and began to speak.........

    (Our Lady of fatima School, Wexford) time for another partner

    "If you kill me now, my spirit will come back and haunt you, but if you give me one of your sheep,I will protect you from all danger that may come your way" Gywn thought long and hard and decided to agree to the wolf's proposal. Later that evening as he sat on the mountain he heard a strange noise.........

    (Tineteriffe N.S., Limerick) , time for another partner

    He turned around and saw a big brown bear. He shouted and the wolf appeared. The wolf fought against the bear, but the bear was very strong and the wolf died...... 

    (Szkoła Podstawowa Nr 37, Białystok, Poland), time for another partner

    Gywn quickly understood that he could count only on himself alone. He grabbed his sword and prepared for fight against the bear. He struggled violently to save himself. Suddenly, to his great surprise, the sharp blade of his sword shot right through the beast's chest...




    Time for another partner

    Gywn went to see where is noise was coming from. He discovered a beautiful deer.
    The deer asked Gywn if he could give him the strawberry boos he could see from Gywn bag.
    Gywn accepted and gave the strawberries to the deer. The animal said to him then:
    “I know this wolf. He lied to you. He is not going to protect you.
    - How do you know this, Gywn asked ?
    - He said the same to me with mushrooms, replied the deer.
    I can help you fight the wolf, he added.”
    Gywn agreed and they went to search the wolf.
    They found him not far away. The wolf said to them:
    “You crossed this shabby deer.
    - He is not shabby. I am going to kill you because you lied to me, said Gywn.
    - Come then, said the wolf.”
    Gywn fought the wolf, then he stabbed the wolf in his belly with his sword and kill him.
    Gywn thanked the deer and came back home but still feared that the wolf 's spirit
    haunts him.

    (Ecole Jules Ferry A - Toulouse, France). Time for another Partner...


    This is the Celtic stroy of how Setanta got his name Cúchulainn, which means the hound of Culainn! Tineteriffe N.S., Limerick, Ireland


    Bhí Setanta ag imirt iománíocht a lena chairde.

    Thug an rí cuireadh dó teacht go dtí féasta i dteach Culainn.

    Dúirt Setanta go dtiocfadh sé nuair a bheadh an chluiche críochnaithe.

    Nuair a thosaigh an féasta, d’fhiafraigh Culainn den rí, an raibh gach duine istigh.

    Dúirt sé go raibh. Rinne sé dearmad ar Setanta.

    Nuair a shroich Setanta an féasta, rith cú Culainn amach ag tafann.

    D’ardaigh Setanta a camán agus bhuail sé an sliotar.

    Mharaigh sé an cú mór.

    Bhí bron ar Culainn nuair a bhfaca se a chú marbh.

     Dúirt Setanta go bhfanfadh sé ag tabhairt aire dona  theach go dtí go raibh cú nua faighte aige.

    Sin é an fáth a bhronnadh Cuchulainn air.