1º Transnational Meeting

  • The first Transnational meeting for this project was held by IES Ítaca in Zaragoza from the 16th to the 17th October 2017. 

    As a coordinator of the project, We were aware that this would be the first time some of the teachers would meet and therefore it was a very important meeting in terms of project management and achieving our project objectives.

    We settle up the objectives of  our agenda was as follows:

    -To review the evaluation form and make any necessary changes taking into account advisory notes from the National Agency.

    - To finalize the dates of:  the last Transnational meeting in Italy, the mobility activities, the number of students who would attend, match the students, creation of the logo for the event and produce a fact sheet for the mobilities.

    - To review all the necessary documentation for each activity as to ensure all aspects of the mandatory and legal requirements were met for each mobility.

    - To review the budget from the National Agencies and decide on the best way to manage the budget on each mobility. 

     - To decide how we would disseminate the project and which social media platform would be appropriate: twinspace, twitter, webpage…


    We felt it was important for us to explore our host city of Aragon and appreciate its rich culture and share this experience with the Spanish students involved in the project.

    • Official Welcome to enjoy the Aragonese  costume and folklore
    • Guided city  center tour
    • Guided visit to  “La Aljaferia” Palace. One of the most important European  fortified medieval Islamic palace. It was built during the second half of the 11th century in the Taifa of Zaragoza.