This project aims to share good examples and practices which we carry on in the field of education mostly focusing on stem,augmented reality and maker activites.Partners share any kind of qualified and interesting educational practices together with activities about the topics which are parts of our curriculum.These may include language learning topics,cultural and historical issues,ecology and environment or about more general topics like global warming and environmental issues together with STEM-MAKER MOVEMENT AND ART.Our real aim is to share those experiences and present our valuable practices and activities.By this way,we are planning to learn more about other cultures,other countries’curriculum,educational tools ,activities and materials.When a partner applies a nice work or activitiy at school about a stem topic ,he/she shares them by using video,slides or photographs after attaching a short explanation.Pupil can do this as well.Each month throughout the project,partners share their best education samples and students may choose the best ones and their teachers may reward the winners.This is not actually a competition but kind of a motivation and collaboration.This is an international and multicultural understanding and awareness via sharing educational experiences and practices which are in relevance with maker movement.As a result we are expecting to create an archieve of good practices and new applications in stem,art and maker movement and design new things together as well.

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