• Our Project

    How do kids spend their free time in different member countries?
    Games, sports, readings and passtimes most loved by the kids in Italy, Austria and Poland. What's your favourite? Compare your activities with those of your European mates!
    What do you eat when you do sport?
    Creating and telling new and fascinating stories was one of the way to spend the free time in the past and it is still a great adventure. Can you invent a story with your e-twinning mates?
    Technology and Twinspace will help us to communicate and arrange virtual meetings, even a virtual party! (Skype/Hangout) and to create multimedial products easy to disseminate (padlet/powtoon etc)

    AIMS: Working in a team to reach a shared objective, sharing ideas and procedures with kids and teachers from a different culture, being tollerant and inclusive.
    OBJECTIVES: Getting to know different languages, using their competences in foreign languages to communicate for a real purpose, improving their competences in ICT, developing skills in organizing a planning.

    The project is divided into four main activites so each partner will be responsible for one of the section: The ITALIAN partners will be responsible for the first and las activity, POLAND for the second and AUSTRIA for the third.
    October/November 2016 - Introducing the project to the students, the teacher and school staff and parents. 
    - Subscribing the students on the twinspace platform.
    - Skyping/Hangout with students from the Austrian school.
    November-Decembrer 2016
    January 2017 - Realizing a presentation or a similar output (padlet, powtoon) about favourite winter indoor/outdoor activities: games and sports etc. at school and after school.
    - A typical Italian game or activity
    (an interactive demo on skype)
    - A typical Austrian and Polish game or activity
    (an interactive demo on skype/hangout)
    - Uploading multimedial products
    February/March 2017 • Creative writing: A story together. One of the partner school starts the story and the other school will write the ending.
    • Uploading this product on the e-twinning platform
    April/May/June 2017 - Realizing a presentation or a similar output (padlet, powtoon) about favourite spring indoor/activities: games and sports etc.. at school and after school.
    - Comparing Austrian, Polish and Italian athletes diet: producing a multimedial chart (infographic) and a short essay
    - Uploading multimedial products on the e-twinning platform
    - Skype/Hangout farewell: a virtual party.


    Each final product: the padlet/powtoon presentation about indoor/outdoor winter/spring acitivities, the story and the athletes' diets infographic chart, will be disseminated through the schools' websites and a public twinspace.
    The Italian co-founder school is also part of a net (RESCO) where the products could be shared and disseminated.
    The products will also aim at showing how to improve the teaching methods by using tablets and its apps. (powtoons/infographic etc).