• You know how the saying goes: "a picture is worth a thousand words"... It's time to think about the visual identity of your project!


    Be creative and suggest a logo for our project, and also a front cover for your collection of 7 short stories.

    Then vote for your favourite ideas!

    AND THE WINNER IS...........


    Here (and below) are the Triciders to upload your suggestions:suggestions for the project logo and suggestions for the e-book cover.

    Try to be original and include images that identify clearly our project. Make sure all pictures are self-made or copyright-free, as this will be published! (see toolbox).


    How does Tricider work?

    1. Add your picture (logo or e-book cover) and in the description explain the meaning of the picture, why you think it would be a good choice. Don't forget to mention your name!

    If you have difficulties uploading your logo, upload it to the "Materials" section in the "Logo" folder or "Cover" folder and ask your teacher to add it on the Tricider.

    If asked to sign in to Tricider, just click on "no, thanks" in the pop-up window.

    2. Take  a look at the suggestions and give your opinion: give your arguments (+) for the logo : cover you like best in the middle column: why are they the best choice in your opinion. Mention your first name only, no need for last names.

    3. Finally, vote! But don't do it too soon, wait till everyone has had a chance to suggest a picture. Let's start voting in late April.