1. About the project

  • short description

    The project will build a growth mindset culture at partners’ schools. Involved in the project students are challenged to change their thinking about their abilities and potential. Through video clips, pictures, descriptions, presentations and virtual classes we are going to show that perseverance, effort and failure leads to new skills and success.

    project language

    We use English to communicate with partners and prepare the outcomes of the project. Lessons and after school clubs at partners' schools are led in their mother languages.

    pupils' age and the project duration

    Pupils involved in the project are 10-13 years old. The work process is planned for 5-7 moths during one school year.


    1. Growing pupils’ motivation to learning and studying.
    2. Building pupils’ self-confidence.
    3. Development of skills needed at group working.
    4. Increasing awareness of being Europe citizens.
    5. Using English as a communicational tool.

    work process

    1. Introduction: partners present themselves.
    2. What do you know about the brain?
      1. students share their present knowledge (drawings);
      2. students find out how the brain works and what it needs to do its best (presentation);
      3. students share their findings while putting them into their day-by-day lives (short video clip).
    3. Growth and fixed mindsets.
      1. exploring scientific findings and sharing interesting facts;
      2. watching and discussing motivational video clips (partners share the most impressive one and translate it into their language);
      3. neuron network – theory in action: each pupil builds “their own” neuron network (a road map, different threads, etc.); material gathered from all the partners will be used in a common presentation to show how the neuron network looks like;
      4. an interview / a meeting with a local successful person as an example of growth mindset.
    4. Mnemotechniques: partners prepare charts / posters to show how the mnemotechniques work and when they were used by them (which techniques on which lesson, etc. and with what result).
    5. Motivation from inside to out.
      1. partners organize an event at their schools that promotes tolerance, belief in once strength and growth mindset culture;
      2. students make their own motivational video clip / write a motivational story or song / draw a cartoon / make a board or computer game
    6. Learn new and show that you can: pupils try a new thing such as a kind of dance, juggling, doing a sport, etc.

    expected results

    1. Measurable results:
      1. a few motivational video clips / board games / songs / stories;
      2. a project website;
      3. posters sharing the idea of growth and fix mindsets gathered in an electronic book such as issuu, youpublisher, flipsnack
      4. posters promoting mnemotechniques gathered in online presentation such as emaze.
    2. Other results:
      1. pupils involved in the project will:
        • make new friends around Europe,
        • improve ICT and English language skills,
        • become much more motivated to studying new things,
        • become more tolerant, open, creative and self-confident;
      2. teachers involved in the project will:
        • exchange their professional experience,
        • gain new ideas and tools in the matter of motivation;
      3. school societies will be informed about the project outcomes what would lead to building growth mindset culture at partner schools.