
  • During PE classes the teachers organise a run. The students prepare a note with their results and they calculate it so that they can present their speed in meters per second and kilometres per hour. They can also count what result they would have if they ran 100 or 200 meters. A group of students prepares a presentation about the best athlete in their country .


    Don't forget to put the results on this page.

    Presentation about Polish athlets

    Results of students from Poland:

    In the running test I ran 50 meters in about 9.5 seconds, which is about 5,26 meters per second. This is 18,94 kilometers per hour. The world record is 5,56 seconds.



    My name is Julek. I’m 14 years old and I go to Catholic Junior High School. On my last PE lessons me and my friends ran 60 meters. My time was 9.12 s. My average speed was 6.6 m/s. If I ran 100 meters, my time would be 15.2 s. and my speed would be 23,4 km/h. The fastest runner in the world, Usain Bolt, ran 100 meters in 9.58 seconds with the speed of 44,7 km/h. Usain runs 21.3km/h faster than me.



    Hi, I'm Kasia and I ran the distance of 50 metres in 10.3 seconds. My average speed was 4.85

    metres per second. I calculated it by using the following equation: v=s/t, where "v" means

    speed, "s" - distance and "t" - time. In kilometers per hour it is 17.46. It's the final part of the

    project, so I want to say goodbye to everyone!

    Thank you :)



    My name is Luke and I am in 1st class of Catholic Junior High School in Zabrze. Last week me and my friends were on PE lesson. We covered the distance of 60 metres. My time was 8.44 seconds so my speed was 7.11 m/s or 25,6 km/h. If I had covered the distance of 100 metres, my time would have been 14.07s and the distance of 200 metres it would have been 28.13s. Usain Bolt's speed, who is the fastest man on the Earth, is 44,72 km/h. So he is faster than me about 19km/h.










    My name is Kuba and I want to show you my results in a running test on 50 metres.

    I ran 50 metres in 9,5 seconds, so I would run 100 metres in 19 seconds and 200 metres in 38 seconds. It means that I was running at the speed of about 5 metres per second = 18 kilometers per hour.

    The best runners run twice a longer distance in the same time I ran 50m, so my result, for sure, is not good.



    Hi, it's Michasia. I ran the distance of 50 meters in 8.9 seconds. My average speed was 5.61 metres per second. I calculated it by using the following equation: v=s/t, where "v" means speed, "s" - distance and "t" - time. In kilometers per hour it is 20,2 km/h. Usain Bolt's average speed is 10.43 meters per second, so I would finish my run 4.1 second after him.
    It's time to say 'thank you' to all of you. You have done a really great job! It was nice to realize a project with you. Bye!



    On our PE lesson we covered the distance of 60 metres. I ran this distance in 7,90 seconds. I ran very well but my idol is Usain Bolt.

    Distance: 60m


    V=60m/ 7,90s=7,59m/s



    In 4.6 minutes I run 1 kilometer. That's about 12.86 km/h. Comparing to Noah Ngeny who run 2:11:96 minutes he run more than 2 times faster than me.