• One of the main acrivities during the third projectt year is a Field Trip.

    These are the tasks connected with the Field Trip:

    1. Post a photo taken during the Field trip. Entitle it: (The Field Trip in Estonia took place on the .....of......... We went to.......

    2. Write a short summary about your Field Trip. Describe briefly the activities and the aims of your field trip. Create a page and entitle it: A Summary of the Field Trip (Estonia)

    3. After the Field Trip in autumn your task is to create some exercises with the help of the tool called LearningApps. These exercises must be connected with the topics/ subjects of the Field Trip. When you have created the study materials (exercises) in LearningApps, save the links of the exercises. Each Country will open the page and paste the links of the exercises on the opened page. (e.g.LearningApps Estonia)

    4. Post some photos/videos under the Images. Entitl your folder: (Field Trip 2018, Estonia)


    Thank you for the work!

    Deadline: November-December 2018