Finnish Photo Hunt 2018

  • We had our Photo Hunt on May 24th, 2018. We used an application called "Seppo". It was very easy to use. Many teachers participated in creating tasks for students to do. There were altogether 6 tasks to do. Students worked in pairs.

    Biology task was to find 5 different leaves (5 different plants), identify them and then take a picture of the leaves.

    Mathematics task was to find a tree trunk whose circumference was about the same as the height of the person finding it. Then had to estimate the diameter of the trunk. They also had to take a picture of their partner hugging the tree. 

    English task: Write at least 5 sentences in English. Make also a video where you tell about your plans.

    Swedish task was to answer questions on a guestion sheet in Swedish and then take a picture of one's answers.

    In Art task one was asked to take two pictures. A close-up picture a chosen target and then another picture of the same target with the surrouding scenery.

    Music task was to find and take a photo of something 1) quiet, 2) loud, 3) slow and 4) hissing.