Dissemination - introducing Eureka! project, by Greece



    EUREKA! Past, Present and Future!


    Aristotelio College participates in European educational programmes, invests in New Technologies and functions as a laboratory of generating ideas and innovative approaches, aims to create responsible and active citizens and contributes to quality education. It is a school open to the local and wider community.

    This year our school, together with four other schools from Europe, takes part in the European programme Erasmus+ Key Action 2 Strategic Partnerships for Schools Only/ «Co-operation for Innovation and the Exchange of Good Practices»

    Strategic Partnerships in the field of education, training and youth are collaborative projects allowing organisations to improve provision, tackle common issues and share innovative practice.


    The partner schools in «EUREKA! Past, Present and Future!»

    The Strategic Partnership in which Aristotelio College is a partner in the Erasmus+ KA2 programme is entitled «EUREKA! Past, Present and Future!» (teacher in charge for Aristotelio: Ms. Georgia Safouri)

    This Strategic Partnership has been approved by the European Commission and a contract has been signed between Aristotelio College and the Greek National Agency - IKY. The project duration is 26 months, from September 2016 to November 2018.

    Under Erasmus+, one organisation leads the project and manages the activities on behalf of the partnership. Project Coordinator for «EUREKA! Past, Present and Future!» is the school:


    Craigclowan Preparatory School (teacher in charge: Ms. Carol Dibnah)

    Perth, North Eastern Scotland, UK - School website: http://craigclowan-school.co.uk


    The rest of the partner schools are:

    Ecole Saint Victor (teacher in charge: Ms. Jeanne Rousselet)

    Paris, France - School website: ecolesaintvictor.com


    Istituto Comprensivo Verbania Pallanza (teachers in charge: Ms. Patrizia Bambara, Ms. Cinzia Sammartano)

    Verbania, Italy - School website: http://www.scuolacadorna.altervista.org


    Scoala Gimnaziala nr.14 (teacher in charge: Ms. Mirela Catarama)

    Braşov, Romania - School website: scoala14brasov.ro


    Information on «Eureka! Past, Present and Future!»

    The Erasmus+ programme has, at its heart, two key priorities: fighting levels of youth unemployment and ensuring that young people complete their schooling, leaving their educational establishment qualified, skilled, optimistic and enthusiastic about their role as a European citizen.

    It is with these priorities in mind that this project, and the need for this project, has arisen.  This project proposes to foster entrepreneurship, from an early age, and the idea that anyone has the capability of being an inventor.  It aims to inspire young people, build on their sense of initiative and to show them that through team work, cooperation, hard work and good leadership, they will be the next generation of inventors.


    Objectives of the «Eureka!» project

    • To increase participants’ sense of initiative and entrepreneurship
    • To increase competence in foreign languages
    • To increase the level of participants’ digital competence
    • To provide the opportunity to research, design, create, manufacture and present an invention
    • To foster greater understanding to linguistic and cultural diversity
    • To foster a more positive attitude towards the European Project.
    • The key objective of this project is to provide young people with the skills, the confidence and opportunity to develop their sense of initiative and entrepreneurship. If this can be successfully achieved the participants of this project will have been endowed with a set of life-long skills which can only enhance their future as an EU citizen and a valuable member of the labour market. At this stage in the project there is no way of knowing what inventions may result.  This is what makes it such an exciting project and one which may well have many unforeseen and diverse long term benefits.