7b. Decorations at home

  • We all decorated our houses. Look at this!

    Hugo's Christmas tree (FR)
    Lena's Christmas tree (FR)

    Christmas tree in our school (FI)

    Raffaele's tree and presepe

    Torre Annunziata, Napoli, Italy

    Raffaele's front door

    Torre Annunziata, Napoli, Italy

    Decoration in staff room at Henri Darras. Teacher Laurent made it!
    My Christmas decorations Gaetano Raiola
    My Christmas decorations Gaetano Raiola
    My Christmas decorations Gaetano Raiola
    Katia Angelozzi ITE Mattioli Italy

    Elena's decorations

    Katia Angelozzi ITE Mattioli - Italy

    Elena's Christmas tree

    Katia Angelozzi ITE "Mattioli" Italy

    My Christmas tree

    Prirodoslovna Split (Ivana)

    Our school's Christmas tree

    House decorations (Turkey)

    This plate is waiting for its christmas cookies...

    corner decoration (Turkey)
    decorations at home (Turkey)

    christmas decorations are greeting the street

    Jade’s christmas tree (FR)
    ITE Mattioli - San Salvo Italy

    Students Christmas tree at school

    ITE Mattioli - San Salvo Italy

    Decorations in the teachers' room

    ITE Mattioli

    Christmas tree in the hall of the schhol

    Katia Angelozzi ITE Mattioli Italy

    Decorations at home

    Katia Angelozzi ITE Mattioli Italy

    A's decorations

    Katia Angelozzi ITE Mattioli Italy

    L's decorations at home

    Katia Angelozzi ITE Mattioli Italy

    Christmas sweets (torroncini)

    Katia Angelozzi ITE Mattioli Italy

    Decorations on the door

    teacher Manuela's house (FR)
    Aylin's tree at home (Turkey)
    Table decoration at home (Turkey)
    Enora's Christmas tree (FR)
    Lana (FR)

    Santa coming from Finland

    Katia Angelozzi ITE Mattioli San Salvo

    Christmas tree in the classroom

    ITE Mattioli San Salvo Italy

    Decorations in the hall of the school

    C's Christmas tree

    Chieti (Italy)