5 march meeting

  • Meeting 5 march

    Teresa Guzmán


    Şerafettin ATAÇ/Çatalhüyük Munise Lütfi Onat İlkokulu KONYA-Karatay

    meeting 5 march

    Esther González Rodríguez
    Tuğçe ÖZBEK Nehire Bir Kindergarten

    meeting 5 march

    Naime ERKEK - Yunus Emre Anaokulu Selçuklu/ KONYA

    Meeting 5 march

    Büşra Kaya-Erzurum Çat Başköy Ortaokulu

    meeting 5 march

  • MEETING 5th ON MARCH.docx



    1.- We remind all the participants of the project to finish the activities and upload them to the twinspace month by month. On page 1 of the twinspace, there is a task control section where you can keep track of the tasks you have completed and those you have yet to complete.

    2.- Activities for the month of March. They will be aimed at Spain, both the online learning apps activity and the musical games. There are also two dances from Turkey that we will do together with the ones from Spain, one will be chosen according to the level of our students.

    3.- Collaborative activity for the month of March. We presented several ideas and we agreed to make an interactive map in padlet, where by clicking on the link of our town we will redirect it to a video, photo..... of a traditional game of circle, clapping or rows that our students play.

    4.- Final compilation works. We have to make a compilation of all the activities we have been doing. In the twinspace, on page 9 "our work together", we have to make the final compilation of all our work. I am going to create a table so that we can write down ideas to compile these works, and who wants to organise each final work. Although the project ends at the end of April, beginning of May, I would like us to write down all kinds of ideas so that we can organise it.  

    5.- Curriculum integration. We must not forget that we must reflect all the activities we have carried out in our curriculum and at the level at which we have developed it. To do this we can upload a word document, pdf or whatever you want to the twinspace page that I have created for curriculum integration.

    6.- Don't forget to upload pictures of all our meetings (students and teachers). It's important to leave everything in the twinspace.