8 January chatroom


    Teresa Guzman


    Esther González Rodríguez

    CEIP Toral de los Vados. Spain

    Tuğçe Özbek Nehire Bİr Kindergarten

    Chat room

    Şerafettin ATAÇ/Çatalhüyük Munise Lütfi Onat İlkokulu KONYA-Karatay

    chat room

    Mahire Demirsoy /Güler Mustafa Kızılağaç Primary School /Muğla-Turkey

    8 January chatroom

    Naime ERKEK - Yunus Emre Kindergarten/ KONYA

    08.01.2022 chatroom meeting

    Büşra Kaya-Erzurum çat Başköy Ortaokulu

    08.01.2022 chatroom meeting

    1) November's activities are already fully completed, however in December, some colleagues have yet to upload their "Happy new year" lyrics and Christmas video to the twinspace.

    2) Musical activity for the month of January: Balta Balta dance. It has been chosen by 4 votes. It will be the dance that we will perform with our students in January. 
    As our colleagues from Turkey will have holidays from 21st January to 7th February, in case they don't have time to finish the January activities before the 21st, they will be able to do it when they come back from holidays. Don't worry.

    3) Collaborative activity between all schools 
    The activity that we have chosen to do between all the schools in the project for the month of January is a calendar. Each school will make a drawing (if a teacher works with two classrooms, he/she can make a collage of drawings for the corresponding month). The theme to be drawn by the children is: instruments, dances and musical games typical of our country. 
    The drawing will be uploaded to the twinspace page Calendar (in collaborative work).

    4) Web 2.0
    We have chosen the WORLDWALL application to create an activity with our students. The theme of the activity will be typical things of our country: food, music, monuments, etc. .... Once the activity has been created and the students have played with it, we will upload the link to the January activities section. 

    5) Remember that we have to upload the link to our school website where we reflect the project we are working on, in the communication and dissemination section. 
    On the other hand, those who have facebook, instagran...... do not forget to join the facebook and instagram of our project and upload those activities that you find interesting to publish.

    6) Finally, I would like to make a digital compilation book of all the musical games we are making, as well as circle games, row games, hand clapping games..... typical of each country. Please contribute all the ideas that you think are interesting for this book, although it will be produced from March onwards.

    The meeting was adjourned at 19:00.