eSafety goes green

In this project we want to deal with the use of Internet and the consequences it has for us. The internet has become an important part in our lives and its use has increased dramatically since the pandemic making working and education possible from home. This fact also enables digitalization to contribute to an environmentally friendly lifestyle. How is digitalization in line with environment? Apart from all the advantages of digitalization, there are also dark sides which are not always considered and sometimes even unknown to digital natives as a digital education is often missing. We will have a look at the advantages the Internet offers and analyze how we use it. We will also concentrate on different negative aspects resulting from digitalization like bullying, media addiction, data privacy, cyber criminality or fake news and some others we need to know as users like for example copy rights. We also want to research in what extent digitalization contributes to pollution or is a means to help reduce it and improve the environment. We will conclude the project showing the results of our research and interaction in form of workshops for the Safe Internet Day in our schools.

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