• Codes of Conduct for our project


    Don't copy the story from some web page. Write it in your words.

    Simple words

    Use simple words so that younger students can understand the story with ease

    Primary school dr. F. Tudjmana Brela, Croatia

    Never write your full name online!


    Cite your sources.

    Whenever you are sharing an idea that originated from someone else, it is good practice to cite that source.

    (Primary school Popovac, Croatia)

    Be kind and respectful everytime

    You can add words like please,thank you,.....
    (Yeniköy Secondary School/Melekser Işık Bayraktar)

    Respect the differences (GŠFK Osijek - orhcestra students)

    Respect other people's opinions, culture and heritage.
    (GŠFK Osijek - orchestra students, Croatia)

    GŠFK- učenice flaute

    Ask for permission if you want to use someone else’s work or post a picture.

    Grammar and spelling matter!

    Save written shortcuts and less than stellar grammar for Snapchat if you must, but follow grammar rules for school.

    (Primary school Drenje, Croatia)

    No cyberbullying

    Don't say or write rude and mean things to others. Respect other people's feelings.
    (OŠ "Matija Gubec", Čeminac)


    Make sure you dont use capital letters while writing a sentance. It makes you look like you are "screaming" and seems rude to others.

    D.G ss Bedex 1.G

    SŠ Bedekovčina

    Do not post a picture of people anywhere if they do not want to.

    Ana, ss Bedekovcina

    Respect others people privacy on internet.


    Don't send unsolicited mail to strangers
    K.K 1 G


    Don't send lots of messages to the person during the nigh, it can dissturbe them.
    ss Bedekovcina P.I

    Ne dijeli svoje osobne podatke

    Ne objavljujte svoje osobne podatke na internetu(ime i prezime, kućna adresa, broj mobitela itd.) jer nemaju svi na internetu dobre namjere.
    sš Bedekovčina, E.B


    Never post information about yourself, your family and friends online. Don't reveal your last name or address, or which school you go to because not everyone on the internet has good intentions. I can use your information to do something bad to you or to hurt someone else under your name. Identity theft is a growing problem and therefore one should be very careful on the internet.

    sš Bedekovcina, V.V

    Laws and regulations of the websites and applications

    Obey laws of the websites and applications that you are using for the best and proper expirience. Violating the laws of a website/application could get you in big trouble.

    L.MJ ss Bedekovčina 1.G

    Lorena, Ss Bedekovcina

    Don’t send your pictures to anyone online because they could end up in the wrong place.


    We need to respect other peoples achievemnts. If something isn' t our work than we need to mention their work. And also we musn't use some big brads that aren't allowed to be used because we can get sued.
    L.H. SŠBedekovčina

    Primary school, Salinovec, Croatia

    Don't copy someone else's work. He does not state his name and personal data.

    Be polite (GŠFK Osijek- flute students)

    Be good to each other. Be polite. Don't insult anyone. Use an appropriate mode of communication.