How technology influences our lives

  • Possible activities to achieve the first objective of the project:

    • younger students can draw objects which they interact and relate to technology (ex. tablet, smart phones, computers) or can draw scenes/characters from their favorite video/computer games;
    • older students can create small texts in English, preferably, in which they talk about their passions and related technology;
    • students research/talk about how people communicate these days (how they text, talk, keep in touch with their friends, relatives, how they play games online, how they share things, how they create online – Youtube, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Skype). After that they make a digital product (video – using Movie Maker, PowerPoint or Prezi presentation, a digital story with pictures using Photo Story 3 or multimedia posters or;
    • students can keep a digital log for a week about different kinds of digital media during a typical week (cell phones, TV, DVD, internet, video games on consoles). After that they create a media bar graph to show results (either in Excel, or online graph creator such as;
    • students can create an online survey for students in their own school to find out about their habits ( and post the results on TwinSpace;