Project evaluation - Evaluation du projet

  • EN: Our project involved 131 pupils from five countries (France, Poland, Romania, Spain and Turkey). One of the final tasks of our project was to have our pupils evaluate it through an online survey. About 85 pupils from France, Poland and Spain took it. The Turkisk pupils did not manage to fufill all the tasks of our project. As for the Romanian participating school, they joined our project too late for being active Members.


    A selection of the pupils'answers to the question:
    What are the difficulties you had?

    It's long ans boring
    I had difficulties to make my EU game
    I'm not very talented in IT, so it was sometimes difficult for me. 
    I've got difficulties with the vocabulary.
    The difficulties that I have it's when I did a EU game, it was really hard and long to do.
    The many crashes of the etwinnig website made the activities very difficult to do.
    Connecting was very slow
    It was very difficult to connect on the twinspace
    There were some internet problems.
    The school's wi-fi was low
    to reply questions
    Sometimes I had problems to understand the tasks
    Bugs on the internet
    Connection problems
    I had problems to make my kahoot game public.
    Maybe the time,because  we couldn't work too much in class(we didn't have a alot of classes).
    Sometimes I don´t knew how to do some tasks
    At the beginning some tasks were a bit complicated but If you read the instructions and you pay attention It's quite entertaining and funny 
    doing it in two diferent lenguages and one of them in which we don't speak fluently
    sometimes the languages
    With task  5 when we had to upload the game.
    I didn't have any difficulties. But I think that the activities are too much managed what prevents the pupils of the project from interacting together. Furthermore, it would have been appreciable to realize some activities of competition between the classes of the project (France vs Spain for example) and to let discuss the pupils freely.
    Well nothing in relation with the project, just a very bad internet.


    FR: Notre projet a impliqué 131 élèves issus de 5 pays (France, Pologne, Roumanie, Espagne et la Turquie). L'une des dernières tâches de notre projet a été de le faire évaluer par nos élèves via un sondage en ligne. Environ 85 élèves de France, Pologne et d'Espagne ont répondu au sondage. Les élèves turcs n'ont pas réussi à accomplir toutes les tâches de notre projet. Quant à l'école roumaine participante, ils ont rejoint notre projet trop tard pour être des Membres actifs. 


    Une sélection des réponses des élèves à la question: 
    Quelles sont les difficultés que vous avez eues? 


    c'est difficile au debut mais je m'adapte
    Quelques fois je n'avais pas du temps, surtout le jeu qui requiré plus de temps.
    qui au début a été plus difficile savoir faire les tâches.
    Chercher une image sans copyride
    Nous avons 2 heures par semaine por connecter avec e-twinning, le temp nous a dificultés les choses  
    pour mettre une photo
    Les difficultés que j'ai eu sont les dernières tâches.
    Un peu dans le task du creer le jeu.
    Pour moi a été un peu compliqué par les droits d'auteur, parce que nous devons chercher plus.
    j'avais problèmes avec l'ordinateur
    Surtout le difficulté de savoir si quelqu'un a écrit quelque chose dans ton profile. Et faire des links.
    Les bugs du a la mauvaise connexion internet