• Post your feedback/evaluation here

    Here is the feedback from Steeton:

    What we learned and enjoyed...

    I enjoyed it because we got to vote for our favourite picture and logos.

    I enjoyed this project because we got to choose what the motto got to be and it was fun and hard altogether.

    Doing the designs and thinking of it was nice to think about.

    I learned about their school and pupils.

    There were lots of activities and it was so much fun.

    I liked the skype call to Eastburn and Earth Day.

    I enjoyed doing the skype calls so we can see other people around the world.

    We learned how to save energy.

    I learned that wind turbines generate electricity.

    I learned about global warming.

    We learned about climate change.

    I learned you have to put a lot of effort into the project.

    I enjoyed doing Scratch.

    I learned some new words like CO2.

    I enjoyed going over to the ICT suite to do a power point.

    I enjoyed the energy monitor work.

    I enjoyed looking after the world and saving it from pollution.

    I enjoyed this because it was interesting and fun.  It was hard work and it was also scientific.

    Next year...

    I woud like to do another eTwinning project.

    I want to do another project like this.

    I want to do another project with other schools.

    I would like to do more eTwinning projects and more science.

    I would like to do another Christmas project with the other schools.

    I think we could work on doing more skype calls from many other places on the Earth.

    Do another call but talk about more for longer.

    Do more Scratch.

    Do more logos and more skype with different schools.

    Make posters with facts.


    Відгук Любові Яворської, керівника проекту, вчителя біології та природознавства, директора СЗОШ № 22, Чернівці, Україна: 

    "Наша планета не така й велика. Ця істина стала очевидною для людства не дуже давно. Багато хто усвідомив, що і природні ресурси Землі, які здавалися такими багатющими, насправді є вичерпними. У гонитві за благами цивілізації сучасне покоління забуває про тих, хто буде жити після нас. Переймаючись нашим майбутнім у мене виникла ідея створити проект в якому діти  могли б долучитися до обговорення та вирішення проблем з енергозбереження. Учні з інтересом поставилися до проекту, проявляли креативність на кожному етапі, спілкувалися з однолітками в он-лайн режимі.  Обмінюючись досвідом один з одним та з  підлітками Європи вони зміцнили свої знання з даної проблеми.

    Для мене, як для керівника закладу, важливо привити дітям нашої школи свідоме ставлення до використання енергоносіїв, води, тепла тощо.

    Сьогодні дедалі частіше лунають попередження щодо необхідності охорони довкілля та раціонального використання природних ресурсів, людство всього світу реагує на них адекватно.

    Нераціональне використання енергоресурсів – проблема без державних кордонів, яка викликає велике занепокоєння людства сьогодні. Успішне вирішення проблеми енергозабезпечення досить складний та тривалий процес, що передбачає низку організаційно-правових та технічних заходів."

    TRANSLATION FROM UKRAINIAN, FEEDBACK from Liubov Yavorska, project coordinator, Biology and Nature Studies teacher, principal of school #22, Chernivtsi, Ukraine,

    "Our planet is not that big. This truth has become evident to humanity quite recently. A lot of people have realized that natural resources, which seemed to be so vast, are really finite. In the race for the benefits of the civilisation the modern generation forget about the decendants who will be living afterwards. 

    Being concerned for our future, I had an idea to create a project in which pupils could discuss and find solutions for energy efficiency. Pupils were interested to be involved in the project, they were very creative in all the project activities, they communicated with their peers online. Exchanging their experience with each other and with children from Europe, the pupils enriched their knowledge on the issue.

    To me, as the principal of the school, it is very important to instil in the pupils of our school the conscious attitude to saving energy, water, heat, etc.

    Nowadays, the calls for protecting the environment and rational use of natural resources are becoming more and more frequent and the people of the world react to them adequately.

    Unwise use of natural resources is a problem without borders, about which people are deeply concerned. A successful solution to the problem of energy efficiency is quite a complicated and lengthy process which envolves a number of organisational, legal and technical steps."


    Here is the evaluation of the Greek school:


    We have learnt a lot about the environment, renewable sources of energy and the issue of climate change and have given a lot of thought on the ways to reduce energy use at home and school. It's about time to change our habits!

    We have communicated with schools abroad in many ways using technology and the English Language. We have exchanged ideas, opinions, information. We have used our talents in organising, team work, drawing, writing poetry, acting, improvising, singing and a lot more.

    We have devoleped intercultural understanding, presenting our school, town, country and learning about other children's relative facts. 

    We are excited our project has been awarded nationally and with a European Quality Label. We feel more responsible and confident now and we are ready for our next e-twinning project.


    Both teachers from Greece were beginners in the experience of e-twinning projects. It was motivating, challenging, fresh and a perfect way to "escape" from teaching routine.  

    Environmental issues concern everybody and we are happy if we have succeeded to change our students' attitudes towards saving energy, respecting this planet which belongs to all of us and to our children and participating in actions to protect it.

    The planning and organisation designed by the coordinator were satisfying and operational, the materials created in each country were various, original and some of them innovative and have given the chance to all the schools to participate in local celebrations, competitions and events and receive awards . We have opened a window to society, Europe and the world.

    It's time to start using the ... gifts of the sun, the wind and the water before it's too late and we can only stay warm if we keep ..."cool" !

    Thank you for an excellent partnership !!!