
  • These are the activities of the ECSC project.
    To create a strong impact of the project on the local community, more activities can be carried out by the Schools initiative, increasing the synergy of the various projects existing in their Schools (health, sport, nature,…).
    The activities are part of themes that culminate in the respective exchanges, which will result in five reports.


    Burning Fossil Fuels (theme C1.TR)
    Air Pollution Observations (P5)
    Carbon Footprint (P6)

    Beach Damage (theme C4)
    ​​​​World Wetlands Day (P25)
    Planting Trees (P7)

    Land Use Changes (theme C3.SK)
    European Day (P9)
    World Environment Day (P10)
    Publishing articles (P12)
    Change in land use (P26)
    Conference climate change (P15)

    Green Energy (theme C5.IT)
    Letters on climate change (P16)
    Good practice reports (P17)
    World Wetlands Day (P25)
    Conferences  on green energy (P20)

    Deforestation (theme C2.PT)
    Planting Trees (P19)
    Conference on deforestation (P8)
    European Day (P21)