Building the Blocks of Emotional, Physical and Mental Wellbeing - to enjoy a better world

  • The eco-mobility challenge

    In June, we tried to use different means of transport. Using bicycle, scooter, public bus...instead of private cars to come to school.

    The children have used their drawing skills to represent their favorite ecological means of transport


    Sports Notesbooks : practicing sport is good for our self developpement.


    Patrick BOBET, the mayor of Le Bouscat city came at school to distribute the Sports notebooks to our students on the occasion of the Olypic Games.

    The children will have to write in their notebooks their sporting career throughout their schooling: sports patents and various experiences.


    Personal development through woodworking

    Through woodworking, our students were able to express their skill by discovering how to cut, sand, drill to make a wooden object.





                   Dancing for the nature


    We did contempory dance at school. The topic of our dance was the importance of the nateure in our lives ad saving the trees.