Year 2020, after the chaos carried out this year by the conavirus, the school is privileged to have achieved an ERAMUS + PROJECT. 

    Our project LEARNING ZONES FOR INCLUSION & EQUALITY (FINELY) was born with the purpose of achieving learning based on inclusion and equity by working in zones called classrooms of the future, with students from three partner countries in Italy, Romania and Spain. Through this exchange, which will be carried out for two years and with students from fifth grade to fourth grade, we want our students to develop values of tolerance and respect for diversity, that is, to be able to move towards an inclusive education. In addition, we intend to reinforce in our students the development of intercultural skills, the ability to express ideas in different contexts, through the work of emotions, and develop their linguistic-communicative competence through projects with students from other countries. 

    The exchange between students from different countries will provide a broad and open vision that will foster critical and constructive thinking by coming into contact with other cultures and languages, as well as strengthen the capacity for educational cooperation to improve key skills and competencies. In the same way, this activity achieves the knowledge of cultural and historical aspects of other countries to value and respect them. 
    The objective of this activity is to promote equity, social cohesion, active and tolerant citizenship, and well-being, bringing us closer to other cultures, social realities and other countries. It also involves knowing, valuing and strengthening our own heritage as a form of personal and social enrichment. 
    It will be an exciting two-year project where we will be filling the lives of the 3 schools with activities.