About the project

  • The project should help the students to improve their competence of action concerning their professional but also in their private domain. The focus on this is an increase of quality as well as better achievements on their professional education. The project promotes the innovation and creativity of the students in finding solutions. In order to reach these goals the students will work in international groups with national working-units. This project should give the students more bravoury about thinking and more phantasy at finding solutions. Furthermore even unconventional methods like Brainstorming or lateral thinking etc. should be exhibited. Through working on a common idea or a challenging technical project the team spirit inside their own class but also inside the international working groups should get improved. The mutual appreciation, realization of abilities of students who are usually not in the focus of attention, who are not as self-confident as the others, these are goals for the project which can be achieved. Because of that possible discriminations can be compensated or at least reduced. All participating schools hope to get better results in less absence from school, less dropout rates from school and in conclusion to that a higher graduation-rate and better grades in general. In addition to that the international image of the participating schools will develop. A better interest in new working-methods, new mentalities and cultures are the results of the mobilities taken place. Furthermore the omnipresent fear of contact is reduced, the interest on other students will be inspired and the idea of international understanding is going to be punctuated. We will also get a better understanding for migration and foreign citizens and the purpose of the EU is going to be recognized a lot better. Last but not least there should be an increase of foreign language competences – in English but also in the languages of the project-partners.