Brainstorming : "What do you know?"

  • Here are the brainstorming results from Finland:

    This is what we know about Spain:

    and Poland:

    and France:


    Here is the effect of the meeting of Polish students. 

    This is what we know about France:

    And Spain:


    And Finland:


    We share with you what our Spanish students know about France, Poland and Finland.

    We did the brainstorming with lucidchart and the Spidergram with Canva.
    We see that our Polish friends know a lot about us. We hope to learn a lot from them when we will visit them.


    Here are the brainstorming results from France :

    This is what we know about Poland :

    This is what we know about Spain :

    This is what we know about Finland :


    And here is a global overview made by another class :