Introductory Activities to the concept of Mental Health

  • Online Conference on Mental Health Issues:

    Raising Students’ Awareness in the 5th General Lyceum of Veroia


    As part of the Erasmus program, Mental Health for European Youth (HEY!), an online conference was held for the students of the first grade of our school with the psychologist - psychotherapist Maria Sgourou. This meeting took place on  11th May 2021 through the Zoom platform, to which the students were connected from the classrooms for reasons of observing the protocols imposed due to the coronavirus pandemic. The topic of the specific  informative teleconference was the concept of mental health, its characteristics, but also the ways in which mental health problems experienced mainly by adolescents can be addressed. The students asked questions about the effects of lockdown on mental health and asked for advice on the smoothest possible adaptation to the new conditions of returning to social interaction and contact.