In May

  • Hello dear partners our April tasks is finished.Students answered their penpal's mails. They wrote places that they want to travel and asked questions about holidays that they want to go. Students wrote what they did in their holiday (activities, food or something like that) and also they  prepared a travel brochures about the place that they want to travel and activities, food and drinks etc. Teachers and students also shared their photos about places where they want to travel on April page.

    These are the last mails of our students.That's why we will ask them some questions about our project and about their e-mails.If they want,they can add a contact adress (mail,instagram,facebook  etc.) for their penpal.

    These are our questions;

    1-You have been sending e-mails to your pen pal for 8 months.This is your last e-mail in our project. Is there anything you want to say to your pen pal?

    2-How did you feel when you got the the first mail?

    3-Which month’s mail and task was your favorite? Why?

    4-Would you like to continue the project of writing mails to your pen pal in the following years? Why or Why not?

    5-Can you tell your penpal about a beautiful moment or a memory that makes your face smile every time you think of it?

    6-What do you think you will be doing ten years from now?