16. Evaluation and Dissemination

  • Evaluation and Dissemination

    This page will include the feed back from students and teachers.


    1st Kindergarten of Nea Redestos

    The dissemination of our project was presented into our school' Facebook page (1) Facebook. Also, there was a team page on Viber, where all parents were informed about our activities. 

    Activities were also presented in our kindergarten's web page eTwinning projects 2020 -21 | "Η παρέα μας" (wordpress.com).

    Our movie, "Mrs Good and Mrs Bad" took  part in a short movie contest "Cinema...have you studied?" ( "Σινεμά...διάβασες;"). 

    From March to June, our class had a cooperation with the Cinema Faculty of Aristotetle University of Thessaloniki. Three students, online envolved our pupils in various cimema education activities. The results of this cooperation, and our project were shown in an online presentation organized by the "Cinema Network" of our Minostry of Education 

    through the class blog
