Stop-motion movies

  •  Stop-motion movies

    A group of students write simple short stories, and another group of students will create videos with stop-motion movies.


    Teams: Kamelia - Maria, Katerina - Serkan, Dilek - Kamelia

    The other participants in the project can join one of these teams. Let them write to the teachers in the group.

    Students learn make short films using stop - motion. 

    This presentation contains everything that the students did in this activity of the project.



      Co - Creation

    Bulgarian and Greek students

    A co - creation of 120 th Georgi S. Rakovski Primary School - Sofia, Bulgaria and 1st kindergarten on N. Redestos - Thessaloniki, Greece

    A co - creation of Model Experimental Primary School of Serres - Serres, Greece and 120th Georgi S. Rakovski Primary School - Sofia, Bulgaria


    Bulgarian and Turkish students

    A co - creation of Mehmet Guleç Ilkokulu, Bor, Turkey and 120th Georgi S. Rakovski Primary School - Sofia, Bulgaria

    A creation of Fevzi Çakmak İlkokulu, Tarsus, Turkey