Brainstorming ideas for next year activities in Poland


    Each country shall post the names of three big celebrities in the world of business (may be show bizz as well). The proposals may be made by students, collected by coordinators and posted here. 


    Each country shall post three big leaders' names. The proposals may be made by students, collected by coordinators and posted here.


    Each country shall post 3 ideas of a new innovative product (3 per country) that the students came up with. The product can be totally new or it can be an old product with a new function or with a new device added. Please, don't name the product, just write what it does and what for (e.g. a machine for cutting dog's hair/ a device for drinking hot beverages).

    Each country shall post the names of three successful entrepreneurs and creators who have created something meaningful. The proposals may be made by students, collected by coordinators and posted here.

    Each country shall post the names of three big celebrities who have succeeded by taking risk in their professional life. The proposals may be made by students, collected by coordinators and posted here. 


    Each country shall post the names of three inventors who created something that facilitates our lives. The proposals may be made by students, collected by coordinators and posted here. 


    Each country shall post the names of three scientists who have faced some obstacles but overcame them and succeeded. The proposals may be made by students, collected by coordinators and posted here. 


    Each country shall post the names of three successful people (in various branches). The proposals may be made by students, collected by coordinators and posted here.