KA2 project "Clear mind, fit body, happy life"


The Erasmus project KA2 (2019-2022) is about themes like sport, physical fitness, sustainability, healthy cooking and eating, indoor activities, student's free time activities and outdoor activities. Six partners are involved: Spain, Italy, Germany, Latvia, Romania and Portugal. The goal is to create a life-stile guide written by students sharing materials and experiences. We will organize students and teachers' mobilities. Students will partecipate to virtual meetings and activities at school. The main targets are: -Increase physical activity opportunities for all students at school. -Create healthy living habits. - Mobilize the community of parents to undertake comprehensive, concerted actions that support the adoption of healthy eating and active living habits in their home not only at school. (all) -Raising awareness for the beauty of nature - Promoting student's creativity - Implementing the use of new digital tools that support students' communication and learning processes.

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