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  • Dear Visitor,

    we welcome you to our project “Values of life”!

    Our project idea was based on the fact that the primary purpose of education is not only to develop knowledge, skills, competences and attitudes, but also to embed fundamental values like respect, cooperation, dialogue, peace and democracy. These values are common in a European society in which pluralism, tolerance, justice, solidarity and equality between women and men prevail.

    In the light of the Paris Declaration on Tuesday the 17th of March 2015 on promoting citizenship and the common values of freedom, tolerance and non-discrimination through education, we decided to contribute to the protection and strengthening Europe’s spirit of freedom by embedding those fundamental values of life into curriculum and help our pupils - in close cooperation with their parents and families - to become active, responsible and open-minded members of society.

    Browsing through our Pages you will be able to meet our protagonists.

    13 teachers from 8 different schools in 5 countries decided to work (and sometimes meeting) together with their 186 pupils.

    Long before our activities started we discussed our project in details.

    Each class shared supporting Material and worked not only separately by presenting their view of the “Values of life”, but we worked also collaboratively and created:

    1. a common story titled "Values of life have no borders", based on the concept of the adventures of a young Syrian refugee girl and
    2. a common Poem based on the melody of “Ode to Joy”

    Since "only work and no fun makes a dull person", we shared our everyday life in school and met in interesting "Chatting Nights".

    Of course we didn't hide our work from the outside world, but we tried to disseminate and show our achievements.

    Enjoy the ride!!!