Sixth Meeting

  • Decisions Taken at the Meeting

    Teams will write lyrics about their birds.

    We are making a poll about which birds will be used in lyrics in bird song page on twinspace.

    Please give info students to give vote for this poll.
    Every team will create a two line lyrics about their birds.

    After creating and choosing the lyrics team members

    record their voice when they say their lyrics and

    share it with team friends. And they will decide

    which sound will be represent their lyrics.
    And another issue is the bird list.

    We wrote the birds' names in our native languages in the list.

    Please control the list if  your native language is in the list,

    please review and edit it and if your native language is not on the list please add it.

  • Sixth Meeting Photos

    Seher Bildik / Cumhuriyet Secondary School / Bafra-Samsun / TURKEY

    We evaluated the work we did in January and made decisions together for February. 31.01.2021

    Nazmi ZEYBEK - Asil Nadir Secondary School IZMIR- TURKEY

    Our teacher meeting dated 31.01.2021

    Derya Bilgin-Bafra Cumhuriyet Secondary School

    We did a good job!

    Kemalettin AK - Atakent Secondary School / Samsun / Türkiye

    6. Teacher meeting 31.01.2021

    Nihal TAŞ-Atatürk Secondary School/ÇARŞAMBA/SAMSUN


    Şebnem Şen Aksoy/ Private Bornova Secondary School-İzmir/TURKEY

    We evaluated the work we did in January and made decisions together for February. 31.01.2021

    Yeliz İNCEOĞLU Tekkeköy Güzelyurt Secondary School