Second Meeting


    Meeting topics

    1-Project Partner Locations

    Each project partner will add their

    location to the Project Partners Locations section of the pages.

    2-Teacher Introduction

    Each project partner will create

    a short self-introducing article and

    add it to the Teacher Introduction section on the pages.

    3-Student Introduction

    The students of each project partner will

    add a short text introducing themselves

    to the padlet that opens to the Student Introduction

    section of the pages. Students can use

    avatar pictures or emojis they will create.

    They can also add videos. They will not share

    their own photos and private information.

    4-Codeweek Events

    Every project partner
    will plan a bird-related coding event by signing up on

    5-Project Logos

    Our students will be asked to design a logo that will represent our project.

    Canva can be used in logo design. Each school will choose

    the most beautiful logo from the designed logos.

    Then, the logo of each school will be used

    to determine our project logo through a survey.


    Second Meeting Photos and Decisions

  • Derya Bilgin-Bafra Cumhuriyet Secondary School

    Teacher meetings about project-2

    We decided to September and October activities.


    We held our October meeting.

    Şebnem Şen Aksoy/ Private Bornova Secondary School-İzmir/TURKEY

    Our second meeting with project partners.

    Seher Bildik / Cumhuriyet Secondary School / Bafra-Samsun / TURKEY

    We have decided for October Activities

    Anastasia Chrysomalidou, High school of Paranesti, Greece

    we decided the September and October activities

    Yeliz İNCEOĞLU Tekkeköy Güzelyurt Secondary School
    Kemalettin AK - Atakent Secondary School / Samsun / Türkiye

    Partners decided the September and October activities

    Nihal TAŞ-Atatürk Secondary School/ÇARŞAMBA/SAMSUN

    We held our October meeting.