Fun with GeoGebra & Real Life


The project is mostly based on work with GeoGebra with students from 11 years to 15/16 years. We like to offer students opportunities to discover relations between objects of real life and geometrical forms and properties like symmetry, transformations according to the mathematical knowledge of our students. As we have chosen only a few topics like flowers, simulations in art and real life and GeoGebra constructions of fonts e.g. for decoration student and teachers will have enough time for creative work and experiments with approaches from other partners. In our workplan that will be commonly created we will put a lot of intention to create oppotunities for communication and cooperation. There will be common projects, international teams, productions of tutorials and geogebra apps that are ready to use. Interactive GeoGebra constructions will be available in our common GeoGebra space and everything concerning progress of work and results in our open twinspace.

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