Project plan

  •   "Music,Kids and Play" eTwinning project activities plan:

    acivities duration comments
    Introduction - our meeting in Dubrovnik - contact exchange 15-17.10.2015 :-)
    Self-presentation about us (our street photo, building photo, our classroom, children, our song,our flag) proposition to use Padlet 11.2015-02.2016  all done
    Finding song for children by teacher 11.2015 all done
    Exchange songs by post (music inside envelope) nuty, noty, note 11-12.2015 all done
    Song's text translation in English and song comix 12.2015-02.2016  all done
    Christmas Cards exchange (new page would create Andreja S) 12.2015 all done
    Practice all 5 slavic songs 01-02.2016 all done
    Video with all slavic songs performance by children 02-04. 2016 all done
    Teachers comunication LIVE inside TwinSpace or Skype 07, 14, 16, 29.02 all done
    Paintings on computer and tablet by MS Paint Brush and Explain Everything (strawbery, basket, cat, girl with blue eyes, ring or ruster or hen according to word of translated songs) 01-02.2016 all done
    Slavic songs - games and ITC plays with quizz, puzzle,memory about songs ect 02-04. 2016 CZR,PL,SK,HR done
    Videoconference - singing songs online all together (after music cooperation) with teachers and all children:
    14,15,19,21,28, 29. 04.2016

    comunication plan

    proposition to sing a song with children "We say hallo" using our national languages. I will send to you doodle questionary,but first give me propositions. What date is good for you?
    Easter Cards exchange (Padlet,Glogster) 03.2016 all done
    Slavic songs FESTIVAL 04.2016 all done
    Activities and presentation for Parents 04.2016 all done
    Evaluation project activities (survays questionaries) 04.2016 all done
    All teachers in each country will fulfill QUALITY LABEL forms 22.11.2016

    all done !

    And finally...we will finish after 6 MONTH cooperation!

    Project of videoconference plan