Už viem čo je difúzia


    Dyfuzja (Diffusion)

    Tea bags are used to demonstrate the importance of heat in the movement of
    molecules through a cell membrane.

    Tea bags
    Paper towels
    Container to water
    Measuring tape
    1. Heat 2 cups of water to a boil.
    2. Fold a paper towel into fourths.
    3. Place the tea bag into the hot water for 15 seconds. Remove tea bag from the
    water and place it onto the center of a paper towel for 15 sec.
    4. Remove tea bag and record the diameter of the water stain remaining on the
    paper towel.
    5. Use room temperature water and ice cold water for experimentation.
    Diffusion is defined as the movement of a substance from an area of higher
    concentration to an area of lower concentration. Temperature affects the rate
    of diffusion through a cell membrane the same way it does through a tea bag.
    The size of the water stain should be noticeably greater with the warmer water.
    The addition of heat to the tea bag causes its molecules to move much faster
    than at room temperature. This energy is more readily released in a shorter
    period of time than a tea bag filled with room temperature or cold water.


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    Už viem ako vznikli veselé kvety...


    1. Vodu v pohároch zafarbi potravinárskymi farbami.
    2. Stonku jedného z kvetov po celej dĺžke pozorne rozstrihni.
    3. Kvet s rozstrihnutou stonkou vlož do dvoch pohárov tak, aby v každom bola polovica stonky. Kvet s neporušenou stonkou vlož do tretieho pohára.
    4. Poháre s kvetmi nechaj v teplej izbe.

    Farebné kvety - Kizoa Online Movie Maker
    Po niekoľkých hodinách začnú kvety meniť farbu. Nasávajú zafarbenú vodu, ktorá cestuje stonkou do okvetných lístkov. 

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